Beluga in Own Juice, 8.78 oz/ 240 gr
The Beluga or Great sturgeon is a species of anadromous fish in the sturgeon family of order Acipenseriformes.
It is found primarily in the Caspian and Black Sea basins, and formerly in the Adriatic Sea.
Beluga is one of the largest fish of the sturgeon family: up to 1000 kg.
Natural Beluga is a premium canned food made from high-quality beluga.
Fillet has a unique delicate taste and extraordinary juiciness.
The product does not contain any harmful and artificial additives, consists exclusively of pieces of amazingly delicious fish and salt.
Natural beluga refers to dietary products and has a unique nutritional composition.
You can buy Beluga Premium with home delivery in our online store.
This is a real source of digestible protein, the best find for lovers of sports, exercise and an active lifestyle.
Natural beluga meat can be consumed as an independent snack or added to salads.
It is suitable for making healthy dietary soups.
- beluga,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- water.
Nutritional value per 100 g:
- protein – 18g
- fats – 12g,
- carbohydrates – vitamin PP – 2 mg.
- Energy value: 167kcal / 100g.