Scandinavian Salted Herring Fillet, BANDI FOODS, 17.64 oz
As with fresh herring, pickled herring is an excellent natural source of both vitamin D3 and omega-3 fatty acids. It is also a good source of selenium and vitamin B12.
100 grams may provide 680 IU of vitamin D, or 170% of the DV, as well as 84% of the DV for selenium, and 71% of the DV for vitamin B12.
Salted herring is a simple and delicious dish that can be served in different ways. Here are some ideas:
- Cut the herring into thin pieces and place on a plate. Put chopped onions and herbs next to it. You can also add a little vegetable oil or mustard.
- Cut the herring into pieces, mix with chopped onions, dill and mayonnaise. Put it on bread or crackers.
- To make a foreshmuck – chop herring, onion, apple and bread soaked in water. Add vegetable oil and spices to taste. Serve with rye bread or mashed potatoes.
- Cut the herring fillets into strips and wrap them around pieces of boiled potatoes or fresh cucumbers.
- To prepare a herring salad – cut herring fillets, boiled potatoes, carrots, onions and pickles. Mix all the ingredients, season with mayonnaise and garnish with herbs.