Showing 1–12 of 17 results

Capelin Caviar Cream, 180g on Sale

Original price was: $4.74.Current price is: $2.37.
Capelin Caviar Cream, 180g Ingredients: herring or capelin eggs, sunflower oil, drinking water, sugar, salt, acidity regulator: (E260), dried egg

Classic cod caviar, 130 gr Online

Original price was: $6.26.Current price is: $3.13.
Classic cod caviar, 130 gr Ingredients: cod ROE, vegetable oil, salt, sugar, preservatives: potassium sorbate. Nutritional value per 100g: proteins

Cream Sauce with Smoked Capelin Caviar, 180g Hot on Sale

Original price was: $7.59.Current price is: $3.79.
Cream Sauce with Smoked Capelin Caviar, 180g Capelin caviar with smoked flavor in a creamy sauce is the perfect combination

Cream-Spread Capelin Caviar & Crabmeat, 180g Fashion

Original price was: $4.74.Current price is: $2.37.
Cream-Spread Capelin Caviar & Crabmeat, 180g Ingredients: Capelin caviar 43%, refined deodorized sunflower oil, boiled crab meat 7%, drinking water,

Cream-Spread Capelin Caviar & Shrimp, 180g on Sale

Original price was: $4.74.Current price is: $2.37.
Cream-Spread Capelin Caviar & Shrimp, 180g Ingredients: Capelin caviar 43%, refined deodorized sunflower oil, shrimp meat, drinking water, sugar, table

Creamy Spead “Cream & Squid Shrimp”, 160g Online

Original price was: $4.36.Current price is: $2.18.
Creamy Spead “Cream & Squid Shrimp”, 160g Nutritional value of 100g:Calorie content 267.00kcalProteins 4.80gFats 24.40gCarbohydrates 2.00g Ingredients:Refined deodorized sunflower oil,

Greek Style Spread Taramosalata, 227g Sale

Original price was: $10.44.Current price is: $5.22.
Greek Style Spread Taramosalata, 227g Ingredients: Water, Canola Oil, Cod (Fish) Roe, Lemon Juice, Vegetable Juice (Color), Lactic Acid and

Pollock caviar, 130g Hot on Sale

Original price was: $5.69.Current price is: $2.85.
Pollock caviar, 130g Far Eastern Pollock caviar is famous for its high content of digestible protein and omega-3 fatty acids.

Salmon Cream, 160g Online

Original price was: $3.79.Current price is: $1.90.
Salmon Cream, 160g Nutritional value of 100g: Calorie content 287.00kcal Proteins 5.60g Fats 26.70g Carbohydrates 6.20g Ingredients: Minced salmon meat

Spread Capelin Caviar & Salmon, Ikorka, 160g Online Hot Sale

Original price was: $4.27.Current price is: $2.13.
Spread Capelin Caviar & Salmon, Ikorka, 160g Ingredients: sunflower oil, water, capelin caviar 30%, salted salmon pieces 5%, sugar, salt, egg

Spread Capelin Caviar & Salmon, Ikra, 160g Online Sale

Original price was: $4.27.Current price is: $2.13.
Spread Capelin Caviar & Salmon, Ikra, 160g Ingredients: sunflower oil, water, capelin caviar 30%, salted salmon pieces 5%, sugar, salt,

Spread Capelin Caviar & Smoked Salmon “Ikorka”, 160g Supply

Original price was: $4.55.Current price is: $2.27.
Spread Capelin Caviar & Smoked Salmon “Ikorka”, 160g Nutritional value of 100g:Calories 398 kcalProteins 2.5Carbohydrates 6.3Fats 40.0 Ingredients: sunflower oil,